Treatment Specialist for Nicotine Dependence ONLINE Certification is an accredited continuing medical education online course. It follows a self-paced case study instructional design. The course provides an in-depth examination of the prevention, intervention and treatment of nicotine addiction. Treatment Specialist candidates explore the addictive nature of nicotine products and the effectiveness of intensive interventions. It uses case vignettes to prompt reflection on varied intervention approaches.

Treatment Specialist for Nicotine Dependence Certification

This two-part program is targeted to individuals who provide intensive tobacco dependence treatment services. Part I of the certification program is conducted online at in a self-paced case-study format and can take up to eight hours. Part II is a full day face-to-face practicum utilizing a small-group/case study instructional design. Tobacco Treatment Specialist candidates are taught and practice skills to analyze elements of intensive interventions, apply components of Motivational Interviewing, facilitate multi-session intensive programs within the structure of nationally recognized programs, and to serve as resource persons on tobacco dependence treatment for other health and human service professionals.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of one of the Basic Tobacco Intervention Skills Certification courses and successful completion of Nicotine Dependence Online course.

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